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Summary: the outsourcing revolution - review and analysis of corbett's book

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This work offers a summary of the book "THE OUTSOURCING REVOLUTION: Why It Makes Sense and How to Do It Right" by Michael Corbett.
Michael Corbett is president and CEO of his own consulting firm that specializes in outsourcing.
The Outsourcing Revolution deals with a highly controversial... Voir plus

This work offers a summary of the book "THE OUTSOURCING REVOLUTION: Why It Makes Sense and How to Do It Right" by Michael Corbett.
Michael Corbett is president and CEO of his own consulting firm that specializes in outsourcing.
The Outsourcing Revolution deals with a highly controversial topic. Outsourcing tends to get blamed whenever jobs move from one country to another. However, outsourcing is currently a $6 trillion global industry, and within the next decade will grow appreciably as more and more organizations transform their operations to take advantage of everything outsourcing offers.
Outsourcing helps make companies more productive and more competitive in the global marketplace. By harnessing outsourcing intelligently, many organizations will be able to achieve a 10- to 100-fold increase in productivity and competitiveness. That is too big a potential gain to hand to your competitors by ignoring outsourcing.
According to Corbett, "even though about one-third of the typical executive´s budget is already outsourced, we are really just at the dawn of outsourcing. It is very likely that over the next decade or so, this one-third will climb to 70- or 80%".
The Outsourcing Revolution gives essential information to understand the outsourcing process that will shape the world of tomorrow.

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