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The Love You Crave

Couverture du livre « The Love You Crave » de John Locke aux éditions Head Of Zeus
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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When you've already betrayed everyone you love, who can you turn to for help? Former CIA assassin Donovan Creed finds himself at odds with mob-connected Tony Spumoni and practically everyone else he knows, including his boss Darwin, lover Gwen, daughter Kimberly, protégé Callie, co-worker Lou,... Voir plus

When you've already betrayed everyone you love, who can you turn to for help? Former CIA assassin Donovan Creed finds himself at odds with mob-connected Tony Spumoni and practically everyone else he knows, including his boss Darwin, lover Gwen, daughter Kimberly, protégé Callie, co-worker Lou, physician Doc Howard, assorted board members, terrorists, and even a zoo full of angry monkeys!

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