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The Great West Detective Agency

Couverture du livre « The Great West Detective Agency » de Lowry Jackson aux éditions Penguin Group Us
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On the run from some sore poker losers, gambler Lucas Stanton ducks into an office housing the 'Great West Detective Agency'-'followed by a client who mistakes him for a sleuth. Amanda Baldridge lives in one of Denver's more well-to-do neighborhoods, and someone has snatched Tovarich, her... Voir plus

On the run from some sore poker losers, gambler Lucas Stanton ducks into an office housing the 'Great West Detective Agency'-'followed by a client who mistakes him for a sleuth. Amanda Baldridge lives in one of Denver's more well-to-do neighborhoods, and someone has snatched Tovarich, her Russian wolfhound puppy.
Unable to resolve this case of mistaken identity-'and unwilling to refuse the up-front cash from such a lovely patron-'Lucas agrees to find the purloined pooch. But what he believes to be easy earnings for an absurd request becomes a riskier proposition when Lucas finds himself in the crosshairs of the wealthy and powerful Jubal Dunbar, who has already set his sights on Colorado's governorship-'and on the missing mongrel...

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