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Sex, Love, and Money

Couverture du livre « Sex, Love, and Money » de Sedgwick John aux éditions Penguin Group Us
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One of the nation's top divorce lawyers opens his case files to share true stories that rival the most outrageous fiction Gerald Nissenbaum knows everything about his clients-how much is in their bank accounts, what kind of sex their spouses like, if they married for money or power, and who... Voir plus

One of the nation's top divorce lawyers opens his case files to share true stories that rival the most outrageous fiction Gerald Nissenbaum knows everything about his clients-how much is in their bank accounts, what kind of sex their spouses like, if they married for money or power, and who cheated with whom. For the first time in his long career, Nissenbaum gives the lowdown on all the antics he's experienced in dealing with clients who have money to burn.
From a C-note hooker-turned-trophy-wife who put her dying husband into a nursing home and drained his bank accounts, to the dad who spent millions to recover the kids his wife kidnapped, this memoir is by turns dark, cathartic, vengeful, and hilarious as it describes the high-end, high-conflict divorces that ruin the lives of everyone involved.
Currently commanding $700 per hour, Nissenbaum sees firsthand how neurotic, unrealistic, status-hungry, manipulative, and sex-crazed his multimillion-dollar clients can be. In the style of Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential, Nissenbaum and Sedgwick blow the doors off the dark side of marriage, making this outrageous and compelling memoir a truly guilty pleasure.

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