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Famous Five 20: Five Have A Mystery To Solve

Couverture du livre « Famous Five 20: Five Have A Mystery To Solve » de Enid Blyton aux éditions Hodder Children's Book Digital
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What could be more exciting than a visit to Whispering Island and a chance to investigate a few of the creepy stories about it? But Enid Blyton's The Famous Five get stranded there, and realise they're not the only ones on the island. This edition features a new cover and revised text to bring... Voir plus

What could be more exciting than a visit to Whispering Island and a chance to investigate a few of the creepy stories about it? But Enid Blyton's The Famous Five get stranded there, and realise they're not the only ones on the island. This edition features a new cover and revised text to bring the dialogue up to date for a whole new generation of readers.

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