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Chile - oecd territorial reviews 2009

Couverture du livre « Chile - oecd territorial reviews 2009 » de  aux éditions Oecd

Chile has achieved strong economic growth during the last 20 years. Nevertheless, its economy depends on a few resource-based sectors located in a small number of regions. The performance of Chilean regions varies significantly and regional disparities in GDP per capita are very high compared to... Voir plus

Chile has achieved strong economic growth during the last 20 years. Nevertheless, its economy depends on a few resource-based sectors located in a small number of regions. The performance of Chilean regions varies significantly and regional disparities in GDP per capita are very high compared to those in OECD countries. Chilean regions have thus far so not fully utilised their assets and reached their potential for growth. This report recommends moving towards a territorial approach to development in Chile in order to better adapt public management to the different opportunities and needs of the diverse territories of the country. Chilean regions would particularly benefit from context-specific policies to boost productivity, such as those targeting innovation and entrepreneurship, and to improve education and training.

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