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Welcome to Wyoming (Mills & Boon Historical) (Mail-Order Weddings - Bo

Couverture du livre « Welcome to Wyoming (Mills & Boon Historical) (Mail-Order Weddings - Bo » de Kate Bridges aux éditions Mills & Boon Series
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WHAT KIND OF SITUATION HAS SHE WALKED INTO? Seeking justice for his murdered colleagues, Detective Simon Garr has gone undercover as infamous jewel thief Jarrod Ledbetter. All is going to plan until he finds out that Jarrod's mail-order bride is on her way to Wyoming! Simon can't afford to... Voir plus

WHAT KIND OF SITUATION HAS SHE WALKED INTO? Seeking justice for his murdered colleagues, Detective Simon Garr has gone undercover as infamous jewel thief Jarrod Ledbetter. All is going to plan until he finds out that Jarrod's mail-order bride is on her way to Wyoming! Simon can't afford to jeopardise his cover, which gives him only one option - he must marry the woman! When hispoor bride Natasha O'Sullivan arrives she doesn't have a clue what she is walking into - but Simon finds there is more toher than first meets the eye. Because Natasha has brought along secrets aplenty of her own... Mail-Order Weddings - From blushing bride toWild Westwife!

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