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The CV Coach: Teach Yourself

Couverture du livre « The CV Coach: Teach Yourself » de Catt Hilton aux éditions Hodder And Stoughton Digital
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By the end of this book you will have an outstanding CV - Identify your strengths - Understand what recruiters are looking for - Write a powerful CV - Tailor your CV for a specific role - Get the job you want Other books help you talk the talk. The Teach Yourself Coach books helps you walk... Voir plus

By the end of this book you will have an outstanding CV - Identify your strengths - Understand what recruiters are looking for - Write a powerful CV - Tailor your CV for a specific role - Get the job you want Other books help you talk the talk. The Teach Yourself Coach books helps you walk the walk.

Who are you?
* Anyone looking for a job Where this book take you?
* You will be fully prepared to give an outstanding interview How does it work?
* A combination of practical tried-and-tested advice, and unique interactive exercises When can you do it?
* In your own time, at your own pace What else do you get?
* Access to free online videos and printable resources Why Teach Yourself®?
* Teach Yourself books are trusted around the world and have helped sixty million people achieve their goals

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