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Quarter Life Poetry

Couverture du livre « Quarter Life Poetry » de Samantha Jayne aux éditions Little Brown Book Group Digital
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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Samantha Jayne knows that life post-college isn't as glamorous as all undergrads think it's going to be . . . because she's currently living it. At twenty-five, Samantha began creating doodles and funny poems about her #struggle to share with friends on Instagram. To her surprise, these poems... Voir plus

Samantha Jayne knows that life post-college isn't as glamorous as all undergrads think it's going to be . . . because she's currently living it. At twenty-five, Samantha began creating doodles and funny poems about her #struggle to share with friends on Instagram. To her surprise, these poems were picked up by twenty-somethings all around the world who agreed, 'This is literally us.' At a time when it seems like everyone else is getting married, snagging a dream job and paying off their student loans, Samantha captures the voice of young people everywhere who know that your twenties can sometimes be the exact opposite of 'the best years of your life'.

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