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Phyllis Lambert : observation is a constant that underlies all approaches

Couverture du livre « Phyllis Lambert : observation is a constant that underlies all approaches » de Phyllis Lambert aux éditions Lars Muller

"My own use of the camera began in 1954 as I started to think about what a new building in New York - the Seagram building - could be. While in Rome during Easter, through the lens of a camera I had hardly used, I began to observe the quality of buildings: how they sat on the land, their... Voir plus

"My own use of the camera began in 1954 as I started to think about what a new building in New York - the Seagram building - could be. While in Rome during Easter, through the lens of a camera I had hardly used, I began to observe the quality of buildings: how they sat on the land, their articulation, and how architectural details related to a building as a whole." - Phyllis Lambert This curiosity is a constant in the work of Phyllis Lambert, who has devoted her career to studying and engaging with the changing conditions of urban landscapes. In this collection of personal photographs taken over several decades during her daily routines, her travels, or at work, obser- vation turns into a quest to understand and reveal what might otherwise remain overlooked.

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