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The adventures of finbar nelson

Couverture du livre « The adventures of finbar nelson » de Maynard Victor aux éditions Saint Honore Editions

Finbar Nelson, history teacher at a local school, betrayed by his wife, made a summer journey, a walk from Calais to the Mediterranean with a stray mongrel dog. On the way he encountered Camberley Jane in the Tarn Valley. Reaching the sea some weeks later and another war with Germany... Voir plus

Finbar Nelson, history teacher at a local school, betrayed by his wife, made a summer journey, a walk from Calais to the Mediterranean with a stray mongrel dog. On the way he encountered Camberley Jane in the Tarn Valley. Reaching the sea some weeks later and another war with Germany threatening, he returned to England and was there recruited and trained as an undercover agent for the Britain government and when returned to occupied France in 1941, Finbar's further courage was soon to be tested to its limit and beyond.

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