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Murder on the Sun King: True story

Couverture du livre « Murder on the Sun King: True story » de Lara Helou aux éditions Le Lys Bleu

Murder on the Sun King - True story depicts a true story. It is the darkest event of the seventeenth century, placed in a modern context similar to enigmatic detective novels. Through an inspiration written by Charles Perrault, Blue-Beard hides horrific secrets in his countryside. His young wife... Voir plus

Murder on the Sun King - True story depicts a true story. It is the darkest event of the seventeenth century, placed in a modern context similar to enigmatic detective novels. Through an inspiration written by Charles Perrault, Blue-Beard hides horrific secrets in his countryside. His young wife uncovers his plots. This analysis is a thriller for filmmaking. A tremendous suspenseful story for all.

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