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Landscape Of A Woman - erotic novel

Couverture du livre « Landscape Of A Woman - erotic novel » de Byron Newman aux éditions Le Divin Abricot
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Landscape Of A Woman Byron Newman Nathalie Hall is beautiful, smart, and wealthy. She is the epitome of the mid-80´s success story. From her humble roots as a native of Jamaica, she was raised and educated in New York and London, and is now living a lavish and sophisticated lifestyle in Paris.... Voir plus

Landscape Of A Woman Byron Newman Nathalie Hall is beautiful, smart, and wealthy. She is the epitome of the mid-80´s success story. From her humble roots as a native of Jamaica, she was raised and educated in New York and London, and is now living a lavish and sophisticated lifestyle in Paris. Her current relationship with Lisette, the former French queen of punk rock, has developed into a partnership of love and equality, and she seems to have it all. But the foundation of this fulfillment is a history of young lust and love stemming from her tumultuous affair ten years earlier with Tyrone Bellingham, an aristocratic, English, drug-fueled photographer.

A compelling debut novel full of compassion, eroticism and humour, written by Byron Newman, for thirty years a photographer for Playboy USA.

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