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Italian Grooms : Husband by Necessity - Tome 2

Couverture du livre « Italian Grooms : Husband by Necessity - Tome 2 » de Lucy Gordon et Hiroko Miura aux éditions Harlequin K.k./softbank Creative Corp.
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Angie, a British doctor, flew to Sicily for her best friend´s wedding, where she meets her destined love. Bernardo was the half-brother of the groom, son of a great family in Sicily. She instantly fell in love with this naïve, thoughtful man, and spent wonderful moments just exchanging kisses.... Voir plus

Angie, a British doctor, flew to Sicily for her best friend´s wedding, where she meets her destined love. Bernardo was the half-brother of the groom, son of a great family in Sicily. She instantly fell in love with this naïve, thoughtful man, and spent wonderful moments just exchanging kisses. However, her love was quickly turned down the moment Bernardo found out Angie was from an upper-class. "I was going to beg you to marry me. I´ve been living in a fool´s paradise."

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