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Harlequin Comics: The Man Who Risked It All

Couverture du livre « Harlequin Comics: The Man Who Risked It All » de Michelle Reid et Mio Takai aux éditions Harlequin K.k./softbank Creative Corp.
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  • Thème : Non attribué
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

Lexi is shocked by the accident she sees on TV. It shows a speed-racing boat tumble through the air. It is the boat of Franco, her soon-to-be ex-husband, whom she'd been living separately from. When she arrives at the hospital the sight of him, covered in tubes and wires while connected to... Voir plus

Lexi is shocked by the accident she sees on TV. It shows a speed-racing boat tumble through the air. It is the boat of Franco, her soon-to-be ex-husband, whom she'd been living separately from. When she arrives at the hospital the sight of him, covered in tubes and wires while connected to numerous medical equipment sends chills down her spine. It is almost too painful to gaze upon the figure of her husband, who she'd just sent the divorce papers to... She is overwhelmed and confused; she feels both love and hate for this man. She had made this trip solely to talk to him, verify he was okay and offer condolences for their lost friend. However, she's suddenly thrown into a whirlwind of situations, all of which make her love for him grow stronger and stronger. She thinks to herself, Why now? I thought we loved each other truly, but then I saw that picture of you in bed with another woman! Our relationship was supposed to be over then, wasn't it...?

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