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Don't Swallow Your Gum!

Couverture du livre « Don't Swallow Your Gum! » de Vreeman Rachel C aux éditions St Martin's Press
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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People have more access to medical information than ever before, and yet we still believe "facts" about our bodies and health that are just plain wrong. DON'T SWALLOW YOUR GUM! takes on these myths and misconceptions, and exposes the truth behind some of those weird and worrisome things we think... Voir plus

People have more access to medical information than ever before, and yet we still believe "facts" about our bodies and health that are just plain wrong. DON'T SWALLOW YOUR GUM! takes on these myths and misconceptions, and exposes the truth behind some of those weird and worrisome things we think about our bodies. Entries dispel the following myths and more: - You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day - Chewing gum stays in your stomach for seven years - You can catch poison ivy from someone who has it - If you drop food on the floor and pick it up within five seconds, it's safe to eat - Strangers have poisoned kids' Halloween candy With the perfect blend of authoritative research and a breezy, accessible tone, DON'T SWALLOW YOUR GUM is full of enlightening, practical, and quirky facts that will debunk some of the most perennial misconceptions we believe about our health and well-being.

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