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Don't Get Mad, Get Successful

Couverture du livre « Don't Get Mad, Get Successful » de Bozana Skojo aux éditions Gildan Media Corporation
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One day, one of Bozana's Skojo's friends told her she was 'a good poor'. Bewildered by the words at first, Bozana gradually came to realize they really did describe her - someone who was never overcome by adversity, but who fixed up her hair, put on a little lipstick and her 'game face' to work... Voir plus

One day, one of Bozana's Skojo's friends told her she was 'a good poor'. Bewildered by the words at first, Bozana gradually came to realize they really did describe her - someone who was never overcome by adversity, but who fixed up her hair, put on a little lipstick and her 'game face' to work her way out of any difficulties that fate tossed her way. She realized it was a strategy for living that could apply to any situation.@30@@30@ In @18@Don't Get Mad, Get Successful@19@, Bozana shares stories from her life and talks about how she did overcome the difficulties, the ups and downs - the loss of a parent, professional and personal betrayals - to emerge as a successful business owner and loving mother of a wonderful son. Her story illustrates a host of practical life lessons.@30@@30@

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