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When My Husband Does the Dishes

Couverture du livre « When My Husband Does the Dishes » de Sackville Kerri aux éditions Biteback Publishing Digital
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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«When My Husband Does the Dishes (He usually wants sex!) is about what love looks like after three children and 150 years of togetherness. It';s about little white lies and boxer shorts on the floor and eating frankfurters for dinner every night. It';s my life. And I suspect it could be yours... Voir plus

«When My Husband Does the Dishes (He usually wants sex!) is about what love looks like after three children and 150 years of togetherness. It';s about little white lies and boxer shorts on the floor and eating frankfurters for dinner every night. It';s my life. And I suspect it could be yours too. Do you spend pretty much every other waking minute fantasising about having a housekeeper? Have you ever woken up to a Bad Face Day? Do the words 'Impulse Buy'; have you nodding knowingly? Is your cupboard full of super-size jars of Nutella? (Ok, this last one may just be me). If so, you are part of my sisterhood and this book is for you." Part memoir, part survival guide for the (un)Domestic(ated) Goddess, When My Husband Does the Dishes. is a must read for all women - accurate, clever and very, very funny. And you never know, husbands, partners and lovers might find it vaguely amusing too. If they';re allowed to read it!

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