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The Young Alaskans

Couverture du livre « The Young Alaskans » de Emerson Hough aux éditions Culturea
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Culturea
  • EAN : 9791041828838
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

The Young Alaskans is an exciting adventure novel written by Emerson Hough. Set against the rugged and untamed backdrop of Alaska, the story follows a group of young friends who embark on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and friendship.

The main characters are three boys,... Voir plus

The Young Alaskans is an exciting adventure novel written by Emerson Hough. Set against the rugged and untamed backdrop of Alaska, the story follows a group of young friends who embark on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and friendship.

The main characters are three boys, namely Jack Merrill, Joe Darby, and Allan Dunbar, along with a girl named Shirley Sumner. They are all excited to spend their summer in Alaska, where they plan to explore the wilderness and experience the wonders of the Last Frontier.

The story begins as the young adventurers set out on a steamship to Alaska. During the voyage, they meet a wise and seasoned old man named John Hardy, who becomes their guide and mentor throughout their Alaskan expedition.

Once in Alaska, the group faces a series of challenging situations and encounters various wild animals and treacherous landscapes. From traversing dense forests and climbing steep mountains to navigating icy rivers and facing unpredictable weather, their journey is fraught with perils.

Amidst their thrilling adventures, the young Alaskans learn valuable life lessons about survival, courage, and the importance of working together as a team. They also gain a deep appreciation for the beauty and grandeur of the Alaskan wilderness.

As they continue their journey, the friends uncover a secret related to an old mine and a lost treasure, which adds a mysterious and suspenseful element to the story. Determined to solve the mystery, they embark on a quest to find the hidden treasure, leading them to uncover the secrets of the past and confront unexpected challenges.

Throughout their expedition, the bond between the young Alaskans grows stronger, and they develop a profound understanding of the meaning of true friendship. They also form a deep connection with the rugged and majestic Alaskan landscape, which leaves a lasting impression on their lives.

The Young Alaskans is a captivating tale of adventure, self-discovery, and the enduring spirit of youth. Emerson Hough's vivid descriptions of Alaska's wilderness immerse readers in the untamed beauty of the region, while the engaging plot keeps them eagerly turning the pages to find out what happens next.

Overall, The Young Alaskans is a timeless adventure story that appeals to readers of all ages, inspiring them to embrace the spirit of exploration and appreciate the wonders of the natural world.

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