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The return of the killer cat

Couverture du livre « The return of the killer cat » de Anne Fine aux éditions Children Pbs

Tuffy can't wait for Ellie and the family to go away on holiday. A week of freedom lies ahead - if only he can get away from the catsitter. But everything goes wrong when Tuffy is catapulted into the arms of horrid, sweet-as-pie Melanie. Dressed up in baby-clothes and pampered like a pussycat,... Voir plus

Tuffy can't wait for Ellie and the family to go away on holiday. A week of freedom lies ahead - if only he can get away from the catsitter. But everything goes wrong when Tuffy is catapulted into the arms of horrid, sweet-as-pie Melanie. Dressed up in baby-clothes and pampered like a pussycat, has the killer cat really gone for good?

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