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The Mysterious Miss Mayhew

Couverture du livre « The Mysterious Miss Mayhew » de Osmond Hazel aux éditions Quercus Publishing Digital
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Tom doesn't need any more women in his life. He already has his hands full with his five-year-old daughter, an estranged wife who keeps blocking his efforts to get divorced and a mother who might be having an affair with the vicar. So when Fran Mayhew turns up - years younger and with all the... Voir plus

Tom doesn't need any more women in his life. He already has his hands full with his five-year-old daughter, an estranged wife who keeps blocking his efforts to get divorced and a mother who might be having an affair with the vicar. So when Fran Mayhew turns up - years younger and with all the tact of a dinosaur with its backside on fire - she's just another tricky person to deal with. ...And what's she doing in his remote part of Northumberland crawling around in graveyards anyway? But soon Tom discovers that there's more to the mysterious Miss Mayhew than meets the eye - and that it's not just his heart he's in danger of losing.

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