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Secrets of scene design ; rules, techniques and insights

Couverture du livre « Secrets of scene design ; rules, techniques and insights » de Wu Wenpeng et Liu Xiaoyong et Ying Wang aux éditions Cypi Press
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Cypi Press
  • EAN : 9781908175458
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Secrets of Scene Design brings together 18 award-winning scene designers to reveal the design philosophies, methods, principles and techniques of master scene designers in the gaming business.

This guidebook expounds on scene design through the basics, from beginning topics such as color... Voir plus

Secrets of Scene Design brings together 18 award-winning scene designers to reveal the design philosophies, methods, principles and techniques of master scene designers in the gaming business.

This guidebook expounds on scene design through the basics, from beginning topics such as color theory, light and shadow and sketch layout, to more complex drawing processes for achieving finished pieces with incredible depth and substance.

Interviews and artist profiles bring extra personality to the book, which is a classic scene design tutorial of great referential value for students of the craft.

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