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Reviews of national policies for education ; tertiary education in Portugal

Couverture du livre « Reviews of national policies for education ; tertiary education in Portugal » de  aux éditions Ocde
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Ocde
  • EAN : 9789264009752
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Portugal's tertiary education sector has expanded significantly over the last 20 years, but participation and overall educational attainment levels remain below European standards and enrolment rates have begun to decline. The OECD review recommends that Portugal's national government should... Voir plus

Portugal's tertiary education sector has expanded significantly over the last 20 years, but participation and overall educational attainment levels remain below European standards and enrolment rates have begun to decline. The OECD review recommends that Portugal's national government should focus on strategic direction and leave higher education institutions wider latitude for accomplishing public priorities consistent with their mission. Among its proposals for reform, the review calls for the creation of a National Council on Higher Education to oversee Portugal's higher education strategy. The review also calls for major changes in the governance and management of higher education institutions to bring them into line with national goals, encourage their responsiveness and efficiency, and improve their quality. Improving research and innovation is a key strategic objective of the Portuguese government, and the OECD review suggests a number of qualitative changes in Portugal's tertiary education system to enhance performance in this area.

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