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Process a tomato project

Couverture du livre « Process a tomato project » de  aux éditions Thames & Hudson

Graphic-design group, art house, music makers, typographic sculptors - no phrase can accurately characterize the work of Tomato, the London-based design collective. Since its inception in 1991, the group's work has ranged across every conceivable medium, from photography and film to music and... Voir plus

Graphic-design group, art house, music makers, typographic sculptors - no phrase can accurately characterize the work of Tomato, the London-based design collective. Since its inception in 1991, the group's work has ranged across every conceivable medium, from photography and film to music and print, and it has established an international reputation with such advertising clients as Levi's, Pepsi, Nike, Sony, MTV, Philips, Orange telecommunications and Coca Cola, as well as projects for architect Richard Rogers. This text encompasses Tomato's output in its first five years. Each spread reflects the personal journeys and designs that form the graphic and commercial work of Tomato. In part an eclectic mixture of artistic concepts and working ideas which offer a glimpse into the creative processes that inform the projects, this text's formulation is unified by a single, mutating typographic text line around which the team's individual contributions revolve.

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