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Passionate Cheat

Couverture du livre « Passionate Cheat » de Monte Steele aux éditions Disruptive Publishing
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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SHE WAS ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN To her husband, Helen Jameson was a great disappointment. Although passionate, in all other respects she was a poor wife. The house was always filthy, the dishes unwashed, a bed never made, meals never ready. However, other men found Helen anything but... Voir plus

SHE WAS ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN To her husband, Helen Jameson was a great disappointment. Although passionate, in all other respects she was a poor wife. The house was always filthy, the dishes unwashed, a bed never made, meals never ready. However, other men found Helen anything but disappointing.... To the kid who delivered the groceries, she was the kind of woman who makes men of boys. To the door-to-door salesman, she was the kind of housewife who turned business into pleasure. To Wayne Lucas she was the scarlet temptress who lured him into sin. And the wages of sin were death.... To the four sports in the car she was an easy pickup, a girl who liked what they offered and came back for more....

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