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Occupation Analysis in Practice

Couverture du livre « Occupation Analysis in Practice » de Lynette Mackenzie et Gjyn O'Toole aux éditions Wiley-blackwell
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Occupation Analysis in Practice is the essential book for all future and current occupational therapists. It offers a practical approach to the analysis of occupations in real world practice.The book frames occupation as the key component for analysis and builds upon previous work limited to... Voir plus

Occupation Analysis in Practice is the essential book for all future and current occupational therapists. It offers a practical approach to the analysis of occupations in real world practice.The book frames occupation as the key component for analysis and builds upon previous work limited to analysis at the activity level. It examines the interests, goals, abilities and contexts of individuals, groups, institutions and communities, along with the demands of the occupation. It presents examples of occupation analysis in different practice context including working with children, health promotion, indigenous health, medico-legal practice; mental health and occupational rehabilitation.The book has four sections. Section 1 introduces theoretical perspectives of the concept of occupation analysis and how such analysis relates to particular models of Occupational Therapy practice and the generic World Health Organisation International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Section 2 discusses analysis of particular components of occupation that support practice. These include culture, spirituality, home and community environments as well as self-care and leisure. Section 3 applies analysis of occupations to particular specialties encountered in practice. Section 4 considers the application of Occupation Analysis within professional reasoning and goal setting.FEATURESInternational team of contributorsExamples of occupation analysis proformaApplication to a wide range of practice areas.Glossary of key termsIncudes the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.

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