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Lost worlds ruins of the americas

Couverture du livre « Lost worlds ruins of the americas » de Drooker aux éditions Acc Art Books

-With an introduction by renowned travel writer Pico Iyer -More than 100 large-format photographs depict extraordinary sites in South and Central American Mexico and the Caribbean -Published to accompany an exhibition in the USA opening at the Art Museum of the Americas in Washington, DC Lost... Voir plus

-With an introduction by renowned travel writer Pico Iyer -More than 100 large-format photographs depict extraordinary sites in South and Central American Mexico and the Caribbean -Published to accompany an exhibition in the USA opening at the Art Museum of the Americas in Washington, DC Lost Worlds: Ruins of the Americas is a unique visual exploration that vividly captures the haunting mystery and visual poetry of historic ruins throughout the Americas.

This extraordinary collection perfectly portrays the architectural, geographic and historical significance of ruins that are considered world wonders and little known gems. Included are monumental temples of Mexico's Mayan civilization, a Colonial era palace on the island of Haiti, earthquake-ravaged cathedrals in Guatemala, and astonishing Incan citadels in Peru's Sacred Valley - culminating with the breathtaking beauty of Machu Picchu. .

This unprecedented publication transports the reader on a journey to ancient temples, abandoned palaces and lofty citadels. Evocative and enlightening, Lost Worlds will stir the imagination of those with a passion for photography, travel, history, architecture, and archaeology. Shot in infrared format on a specially adapted digital camera, these images expose crumbling, overgrown walls, broken columns, and cracked arches in ways most readers have never seen. They will offer readers a new way of viewing the landscape as well as an enhanced vision of the collective identity of the Americas.

Includes a foreword by noted travel writer Pico Iyer and text by Arthur Drooker explaining each site's rise, fall and lasting significance.

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