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How To Curse In Hieroglyphics

Couverture du livre « How To Curse In Hieroglyphics » de Lesley Livingston aux éditions Penguin Canada
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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Meet Cheryl and Tweed, two 12-year-old girls who are identical twins (just not with each other!), cousins, and best pals. After a mysterious “incident” involving a plane trip when they were very young left both girls orphaned and twin-less, they are raised by their grandfather, the... Voir plus

Meet Cheryl and Tweed, two 12-year-old girls who are identical twins (just not with each other!), cousins, and best pals. After a mysterious “incident” involving a plane trip when they were very young left both girls orphaned and twin-less, they are raised by their grandfather, the owner/operator of the tumbledown Starlight Paradise Drive-In movie theatre in the middle-of-nowhere town of Wiggins Cross. The girls have bonded closer than sisters through a shared love of B movies and buttered popcorn, and they firmly believe that there must be something more out there in the world than meets the eye. Something … weird.

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