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Germany, Austria & Switzerland's best trips (2e édition)

Couverture du livre « Germany, Austria & Switzerland's best trips (2e édition) » de Collectif Lonely Planet aux éditions Lonely Planet France

Grandiose cities, storybook villages, vine-stitched valleys and dreamy Alpine landscapes that beg you to toot your horn, leap out of the car and jump for joy. Road-tripping in this Germanic part of western Europe is a mesmerising kaleidoscope of brilliant landscapes and experiences. Special... Voir plus

Grandiose cities, storybook villages, vine-stitched valleys and dreamy Alpine landscapes that beg you to toot your horn, leap out of the car and jump for joy. Road-tripping in this Germanic part of western Europe is a mesmerising kaleidoscope of brilliant landscapes and experiences. Special features include:
Unmissable trips from the Swiss Alps to Salzkammergut ;
Essential planning information ;
Themed trip ideas ;
Guides to cities en route ;

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