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Detox Your Heart

Couverture du livre « Detox Your Heart » de Valerie Mason-John aux éditions Wisdom Publications
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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Drawing on her own experiences with abuse and addiction, Valerie Mason-John presents a well-grounded series of meditations that transform anger, hatred, and fear to heal emotional trauma. Valerie Mason-John knows what it is like to be filled with toxic emotions--and how to release them. After... Voir plus

Drawing on her own experiences with abuse and addiction, Valerie Mason-John presents a well-grounded series of meditations that transform anger, hatred, and fear to heal emotional trauma. Valerie Mason-John knows what it is like to be filled with toxic emotions--and how to release them. After years of abuse and struggles with addiction, she was mired in anger, resentment, and fear. But through meditation and willingness to forge a new path, she learned how to disarm such toxins and find peace. In;Detox Your Heart;Mason-John helps us recognize our emotions, good and bad, and to develop the self-care to heal ourselves. Chapters that explore and clearly define negative emotions are paired with chapters on how to transform them. Meditation exercises based on the Buddhist principles of mindfulness, loving-kindness, and compassion provide tools to help us heal our own hurts and to close the gap that toxic emotions create between heart and mind.

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