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Crap Kingdom

Couverture du livre « Crap Kingdom » de Pierson Dc aux éditions Penguin Group Us
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THE CHOSEN ONE MUST BE RETRIEVED FROM EARTH HE WILL BRING DOWN THE WALL AND RESTORE THE KINGDOM TO GLORY HIS NAME IS TOM PARKING With this mysterious yet oddly ordinary-looking prophecy, Tom's fate is sealed: he's been plucked from his life and whisked away to a magical kingdom to be its Chosen... Voir plus

THE CHOSEN ONE MUST BE RETRIEVED FROM EARTH HE WILL BRING DOWN THE WALL AND RESTORE THE KINGDOM TO GLORY HIS NAME IS TOM PARKING With this mysterious yet oddly ordinary-looking prophecy, Tom's fate is sealed: he's been plucked from his life and whisked away to a magical kingdom to be its Chosen One.
There's just one problem: The kingdom is mostly made of garbage from Earth. Okay, well, two problems: the king hates Tom. Also, the princess likes to wear fake mustaches. And being Chosen One seems to consist mainly of cleaning out rats' noses at the Royal Rat-Snottery.
So, basically, the kingdom sucks.
When Tom turns down the job of Chosen One, he thinks he's making a smart decision. But when Tom discovers he's been replaced by his best friend Kyle, who's always been cooler, more athletic, and better with girls, Tom wants Crap Kingdom back--at any cost. And the hilarity that ensues will determine the fate of the universe.

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