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Book 2 Of The Once Every Never Trilogy: Every Never After

Couverture du livre « Book 2 Of The Once Every Never Trilogy: Every Never After » de Lesley Livingston aux éditions Penguin Canada
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It's happening again! Despite their vow to each other at the end of Once Every Never, best friends Clare and Allie once more find themselves in trouble-and travelling in time. Indulging in a low-key vacation at Glastonbury Tor, taking part in an archaeological dig while soaking up the sights of... Voir plus

It's happening again! Despite their vow to each other at the end of Once Every Never, best friends Clare and Allie once more find themselves in trouble-and travelling in time. Indulging in a low-key vacation at Glastonbury Tor, taking part in an archaeological dig while soaking up the sights of summertime England, the girls have promised each other: no time travel shenanigans; no involvement with dangerous Druids or villainous museum thieves; and definitely no weirdness about the fact that Clare is now seriously dating Milo, Allie's super-genius hottie cousin!

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