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Biomarkers for Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage

Couverture du livre « Biomarkers for Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage » de Giancarlo Aldini et Kyung-Jin Yeum et Etsuo Niki et Robert M. Russell aux éditions Wiley-blackwell
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Biomarkers for Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage: Principles and Practical Applications critically evaluates the basic concepts and methodologies of conventional biomarkers as well as current state-of-the-art assays for measuring antioxidant activity/oxidative stress and their practical... Voir plus

Biomarkers for Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage: Principles and Practical Applications critically evaluates the basic concepts and methodologies of conventional biomarkers as well as current state-of-the-art assays for measuring antioxidant activity/oxidative stress and their practical applications. . Biomarkers for Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage: Principles and Practical Applications will be of a great interest to scientists who are involved in basic research on oxidation, applied scientists evaluating the effects of nutraceuticals or pharmaceutical compounds on antioxidant activity/oxidative stress, and physicians who want to understand the degree of oxidative damage in patients with certain chronic diseases.Discovering sensitive and specific biomarkers for systemic oxidative damage is essential to understand the role of oxidative stress in human disease. Once these roles are clearly understood, we are able to identify novel drug and nutraceutical targets. This volume goes beyond conventional analytical methods of measuring overall antioxidant activity and provides insight to the discovery of biomarkers that reveal information on specific areas of oxidative stress. Contributed by an international list of experts, Biomarkers for Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage: Principles and Practical Applications describes both conventional biomarkers and recent developments in this area.Special Features:Discusses conventional biomarkers as well as recent advances for measuring antioxidants and oxidative stressBiomarkers for lipid peroxidation: isoprostane, hydroxyloctadecaenoic acid, oxysterols, and reactive carbonyl species from lipid peroxidationBiomarkers for protein oxidation: carbonylation, tyrosine oxidation, ubiquitin-conjugationBiomarkers for DNA oxidative damage: comet assay, hydroxylated nucleotides, and exocylcic DNA adductsRecently developed biomarkers from cutting-edge technology

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