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Antitrust between EU Law and national law/Antitrust fra diritto nazionalee diritto dell'unione Europea

Couverture du livre « Antitrust between EU Law and national law/Antitrust fra diritto nazionalee diritto dell'unione Europea » de  aux éditions Bruylant
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Bruylant
  • EAN : 9782802763796
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

An in-depth analysis and study of the most salient issues arising from the application of antitrust rules.
Papers contributed by representatives of EU and national antitrust authorities, judges and in-house legal counsels, professors, academics and experts in EU and national antitrust law,... Voir plus

An in-depth analysis and study of the most salient issues arising from the application of antitrust rules.
Papers contributed by representatives of EU and national antitrust authorities, judges and in-house legal counsels, professors, academics and experts in EU and national antitrust law, dealing with the most salient and topical antitrust issues.

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