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If you want to get ahead in this new era of interaction design, this is the reference you need. Nintendo's Wii and Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch have made gestural interfaces popular, but until now there's been no complete source of information about the technology.
Designing Gestural Interfaces provides you with essential information about kinesiology, sensors, ergonomics, physical computing, touchscreen technology, and new interface patterns -- all you need to know to augment your existing skills in "traditional" web design, software, or product development. Packed with informative illustrations and photos, this book helps you:
Get an overview of technologies surrounding touchscreens and interactive environmentsLearn the process of designing gestural interfaces, from documentation to prototyping to communicating to the audience what the product doesExamine current patterns and trends in touchscreen and gestural designLearn about the techniques used by practicing designers and developers todaySee how other designers have solved interface challenges in the pastLook at future trends in this rapidly evolving field Only six years ago, the gestural interfaces introduced in the film Minority Report were science fiction. Now, because of technological, social, and market forces, we see similar interfaces deployed everywhere. Designing Gestural Interfaces will help you enter this new world of possibilities.
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