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What Lies in the Dark

Couverture du livre « What Lies in the Dark » de Thompson Cm aux éditions Bookline And Thinker
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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One murder can make a town nervous. Two brings fear.
Add three, four and even more, and watch neighbours turn on suspicious neighbours.
Victoria Bullrush - or Bullface, as she is called by fellow police officers - is a stickler for rules. As she tries to maintain a faultless investigation, she... Voir plus

One murder can make a town nervous. Two brings fear.
Add three, four and even more, and watch neighbours turn on suspicious neighbours.
Victoria Bullrush - or Bullface, as she is called by fellow police officers - is a stickler for rules. As she tries to maintain a faultless investigation, she can't ignore the public's growing anger.
But what lies in the dark is palpable, waiting.
Can anyone stay calm enough to catch the killer?

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