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Carnac, Locmariaquer and Gavrinis

Couverture du livre « Carnac, Locmariaquer and Gavrinis » de  aux éditions Ouest France

The alignments of Carnac, the Grand-Menhir and the Table-des-Marchands at Locmariaquer and the sumptuously decorated Gavrinis dolmen are world renowned masterpieces left to us by megalithic builders who worked in the Morbihan area more than six millennia ago.
Although much remains still to be... Voir plus

The alignments of Carnac, the Grand-Menhir and the Table-des-Marchands at Locmariaquer and the sumptuously decorated Gavrinis dolmen are world renowned masterpieces left to us by megalithic builders who worked in the Morbihan area more than six millennia ago.
Although much remains still to be discovered, a century and a half of patient research has enabled a number of scientifically proven theories to be expressed on the meaning of these majestic achievements, which still today compel admiration and respect. First of ail, whv was this small region on the European Atlantic coastline the focal point for the first agricultural and pastoral civilisations of the West during nearly two millennia ?

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